
From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Phishki (Japanese: Harichou) is a Virtual type Pokémon.


Phishki started life as a computer virus back in 1996. Its programmer had been working on a sleek, vicious, quick cyber-shark design which would be able to target a Vaccine program from a distance, then zoom in and destroy the program before it ever had a chance to defend itself.

However, partway through, he separated the attack routines from the rest of the code, so that he could debug them more easily. Some time later, he finished the debugging, but something major happened that distracted him from his programming work- the worldwide weather disasters from the Legendary Birds' fighting!

By the time he got to work on it again, he knew he'd finished the debugging, but had forgotten to reunite the attack routines with the rest of the code. As a result, the virus he compiled was... entirely harmless. It's got all the sleekness and speed that was intended, but it just floats around in Netspace, not attacking anything.

After the virus was accidentally brought to life as a Viral Pokémon, as a result of being inside Silph's VR Pokémon compiler, Phishki and its descendants continued to float around Netspace, only becoming ever-so-slightly more harmful- though the only "harm" they did was annoying other virtual-types with their curiosity and friendliness.




Pokédex Entry

Phishki's ring-tipped appendages work to manifest an energy net which enables the Cyber Pokémon to gather and sort computer data at surprising rates.


Naturally curious and friendly, Phishki love to associate with other Pokémon and will often snag them in these nets - either by accident or otherwise.





While it is possible for Phishki to 'evolve' into its true form by means of re-inserting its attack routines, without access to the knowledge of the Pokemon's designer, such an idea is impossible.



Name Origin

English - Combination of 'phishing', a computerised process involving bots that gather/steal people's personalised data and 'frisky'.


Japanese - n/a






Trawler Pkmn

Ability Arena Trap

2' 2"

Weight 15.2lbs