
From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Witukae (Japanese: Kakkasoe) is a Virtual Type pokémon.

Emerging from an unknown source, it was at first difficult to classify Witukae as a pokémon or a glitch, as it displayed traits from both. Eventually it was decided that Witukae fell into the same category as Porygon-Z.

Witukae function best while under strict instruction, and alongside other members of their own species. When left to roam free, their energetic tendencies can lead to irreversible technology damage. However, they are able to protect data as thoroughly as they can destroy it. This makes Witukae excellent pokémon for use in maintaining Cyberstructures, adding extra security to file deliveries and even controlling mecha.

One of Witukae's glitch-like quirks is to send other beings into a temporary state of Deja vu, wherein they re-enact the previous half hour of their life.



Pokédex Entry

Witukae are at their most powerful when in large groups, which poses an issue since they duplicate prolifically in Netspace. Rogue Witukae are usually blamed for loss of service to websites and Netspace-based systems such as the PMI.








Name Origin

English - Corruption of the phrase 'Y2K', in reference to the Y2K/Millennium computer bug.

Pronounced 'wee-tookay'


Japanese - n/a






Byte Pkmn

Ability Download


Weight 1.2lbs