Macon Skechitt

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Macon Skechitt is a Pokémon Watcher, a role that his mother insisted on him taking up in order to improve his confidence. He has yet to find his field of expertise in the group.


Macon can have difficulty saying no to requests and, as a result, is frequently carrying out various tasks on behalf of relatives. While he can find this irritating at times, it has landed Macon in some interesting situations. The biggest example of this is when he became caught up in Mewtwo's psychically-generated storm while attempting to deliver something to his cousin, Corey.


Despite their differing interests and Macon's tendency to act melodramatic, Macon's younger brother still looks up to him and they take field trips together whenever possible.



Macon is an extremely good dancer and quite a competent singer.




Macon can seem a little obsessive when it comes to matters such as cleanliness and eating habits. He gets up early, exercises frequently and avoids sugary and fatty foods - concerned that if he begins eating such things, he will become addicted to them.


He is very fond of vibrant music, particularly jazz.







"Ondi" (Fearow)

"Raydar" (Venonat) Given to Tracey

Macon Skechitt


25 (in 2001)



Hometown ???, WI

Mowbray & Linea Skechitt (Parents)

Tracey (Brother)

Roderick (Uncle)

Mikelo (Uncle)

Murray Menta (Uncle)

Etra Menta (Aunt)

Corey Menta (Cousin)

Conway Menta (Cousin)

Byron Daray (Uncle)

Class Pokémon Watcher
First Episode Blank Pages