Millie Konane

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Millie-Sue Konane is the enthusiastic research assistant to Professor Ivy. She has worked on Valencia Island for the past four years.

Millie tends to operate more on logic than emotion, sometimes finding it difficult to associate Pokemon's reactions with that of humans. Not very well acquainted with social niceties, she prefers to stay in the lab when Ivy goes to any Researcher Conventions.

Though enthusiastic and very helpful with her various laboratory duties, Millie proves rather inept when it comes to simplistic house tasks like cleaning and cooking.




Millie is pretty skilled in the field of mechanical construction and maintenance, keeping both Ivy's laboratory equipment and that of Valencia's Pokémon Center running efficiently.



Millie enjoys documenting events through film and wearing garishly-coloured shirts. She admires the Netspace knowledge and network administration skills of her younger brother Celio.


Millie Konane


36 (in 2001)



Hometown ???, OA

Celio Konane

Class Lab Assistant
First Episode ???



Spoiler Warning - Major plot details may follow



Following exposure to a backlash of energy from GS-255, Millie's body was mass divided into three independently-functioning twelve year old beings which are all identical bar hair colour. These 'triplets' appeared to share the same memories and thus often finished off each others' sentences. However the division also caused Millie to become more absent-minded.



Spoilers End


