
From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Melodus is an ancient dialect that relies heavily upon musical notes as its means of conveying words and phrases. It is thought to have been constructed as a way of better bridging the communication gap between humans and wild Pokémon, though as yet it is unknown as to whom exactly was responsible for its creation. Neither is it known when Melodus was created, though sources of its existence date back as far as the Pokémopolis dynasty.

While song defines the base of Melodus, it is also thought that some form of psywave may play a part in its broadcast, likely in focusing the mind of the listener just long enough to hear the first notes of the sentence. This idea brought up theory that Melodus was the concept of a Wind Cho'moken user. The theory is further backed up by the fact that Melodus is most often 'spoken' by humans wielding a wind instrument.

Though considered by most humans to be a dead language, Melodus has been used to contact and communicate with legendary Pokémon, most notably as part of the rite of the Chosen One. This dictates that Melodus may be seen in Pokemon's eyes as a royal dialect. Therefore, some people still take the time to learn and research it.

Additionally, Melodus has been replicated in a more artificial fashion when the Space-Time Towers of Alamos Town were used to transmit the song "Oración" to calm Dialga and Palkia.

Pokémon that have been known to use Melodus in communicating either with humans or other Pokémon are Lugia, Manaphy, Lapras and in one rare case, a giant Dragonite
which was sighted off the coast of northeast Kanto by William Ethersford.

Wind instruments such as the ocarina appear to be the most effective way to broadcast Melodus.


A famous sculpture of musician Edolie Mortimer situated inside the Space-Time Towers.