Shadow Pokémon

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Shadow Pokémon are Pokémon whose bodies have been contaminated with Distortia in a certain way. The Shadowization technique was devised by Cipher leader Ondus Verich as part of a project to make pokémon more powerful and versatile.

Using a specialised technique, Distortia was intermingled with a pokémon's Aura, shutting down its own conscious response system. Following the treatment, said pokémon was 'programmed' with one or more tailored moves that took advantage of its new Distortia-based Aura abilities.

Due to the contamination, Shadow Pokémon emitted a violet aura which could be detected by Cho'moken-wielders, and later, certain devices.

While formidable, Shadowizing pokémon was also unpredictable and showed little reliability. Affected pokémon would occasionally gain consciousness of their own state and struggle against it, resulting in something scientists of the time dubbed 'Hyper Mode'. While the pokémon were able to bypass foe element weaknesses and resistances, they were still elementally vulnerable themselves. Distortia contamination was able to be reversed through prolonged exposure to uncontaminated Aura fields released by trainers and healthy pokémon, and -at its weakest ebb- Shadowization was easily broken by Chronocite energy.

Advances were made to the technique in an attempt to create a pokémon which could not be purified. The attempt was almost successful, though the Distortia potency resulted in outward mutation for the Lugia it was used upon.

Following Cipher's collapse, data from the Shadow Pokémon project was scattered - parts of which were used in other schemes.