Millennium Comet

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


The Millennium Comet is a planetary body that received its name as a result of its orbit, which takes one thousand years to complete.


Far more than an awe-inspiring planetary body, the Millennium Comet also plays an essential part in one of the world's major natural cycles.


During its passage across the galaxy, the Millennium Comet gathers a vast amount of energy from sheer momentum. Once the comet returns to the vicinity of the earth, it stays present over the western hemisphere for seven days. During this time it discharges its excess energy. This energy is then collected, filtered and used to regenerate the planet's aura network.


This routine is highly important, for the maintenance of the aura network not only nourishes the planet, but also stops the boundary between Realspace and Ultraspace from deteriorating. The energy filtering is undertaken by a specially-designated Pokémon, previously Arceus. Later, the position was re-assigned to Jirachi.


The Millennium Comet continues to astound and inspire the generations that get to see it. Some have thought this heavenly body was able to grant wishes, a trait that was similarly passed on to Jirachi.


A traditional Wish Catcher.