Tate Sullivan

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Tate Sullivan is an ex-Team Rocket operative and technician.


Tate was known as "Mondo" until his early twenties, when he attempted to create an identity of his own, one not associated with Team Rocket.


Tate had a crush on Jessie Matthews for a small period of time but moved on shortly after realising it was only superficial.


As Tate has seen little of the world outside of Team Rocket, he is constantly in awe of the things he discovers through his travels. He is a happy-go-lucky youthful spirit who loves to make a statement. He can be quite indecisive at times.



Tate is unaffected by mental tampering from psychics. As such, he is unable to be hypnotised, confused or put to sleep by psychic pokémon or other methods using psywaves. He is still vulnerable to telekinesis, however.


He is also quite an apt programmer and is capable of deciphering the most complicated encryptions.




Tate is fascinated by cybertechnology and loves electric type pokémon, soda and bold motifs. However, he is uncomfortable with ghost type pokémon.




Tate was just 3 years old when he was discovered by a Team Rocket operative - one of several sent to trawl the wreckage of a downed airplane for valuable articles. His initial nickname was derived from a slogan on the shirt he was wearing at the time.


Tate was raised by Gloria Simmons until he was eight years old, at which time he was drafted into the Rookie division for preliminary training. Two years later, Tate was promoted to Intermediate B Rank - acting as courier to supply fellow operatives with food and equipment. Tate became a laboratory assistant technician nine years later, following the dissolution of the B Rank division.










Tate Sullivan


21 (in 2001)



Hometown Unknown


Class Technician
First Episode UL3 - Facade