Team Righteous

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Team Righteous was a title affectionately given to a duo of particularly successful Team Rocket agents - Hanne Sahirah, Brigham Morgan and their Meowth companion "Morse" - who undertook missions between 1954 and 1969.

Team Righteous foiled many different criminal schemes during their time working for the organization and became so popular that a live action television show based on their escapades was created - running for almost a decade after the group retired.

Despite the opinions of some individuals, who have gotten the show's exploits confused with the real team's adventures, Team Righteous did NOT fight off an alien invasion. They did, however, once face off against a group of powerful, yet unknown pokémon. These were much later revealed to be a horde of angry Lunari who'd been riled up because of poachers, and this event was the basis for one of the show's story arcs.

Ironically, costumes of the duo's uniforms created by fans of Team Righteous displayed a stylised version of the old Team Rocket insignia which coincidentally matched the one used by the organization in modern times.


Team Righteous were well known for living by a motto, something which was recited by their television counterparts prior to facing off with criminals.

To protect the world from devastation
To unite all peoples within our nation
To denounce the evils of ruthless thugs
To defend the rights of the ones we love


Team Righteous, casting off the shackles of plight
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

The TV version of the motto inspired James Morgan, grandson of the real Brigham Morgan, to create a somewhat contradictory variation for himself and Jessie Matthews during their time in Team Rocket. It was later plagiarised and modified again by Butch Reynolds and Cassidy Sampson. The two groups of operatives were sometimes known to have 'motto fights'.