Orange Archipelago

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.



The Orange Archipelago is a collection of dispersed islands located south of Kanto. This island cluster also contains two smaller groups known as the Sevii Isles and the Pentan Isles.

The Orange Archipelago was formed during the time of The Divergence when a massive flood of water broke a central portion of Ransei into fragments and pushed them out across the ocean. Due to this fragmentation of such a large piece of land, many different cultures can be found. On some of the most distant islands, there exist ways of life that had thought to have long since been abandoned. This facet makes the Orange Archipelago very attractive to historians, artists and researchers alike.

1 - Valencia Island: Location of Prof. Ivy's laboratory. A large portion of the island is dedicated as a Pokémon reserve, and tropical variants of Pokémon species native to other regions can be found here.
2 - Tangelo Island: No Further Information at present.
3 - Mikan Island: Location of Sissy's Pokémon Gym, famous for water competition.
4 - Mandarin Island Nth: No Further Information at present.
5 - Sunburst Island: Thought to be a rare spot where Taragirite can still be found, Sunburst is home to many artists who specialise in glass blowing and sculpture. Sightings of a "Crystal" Onix have happened here - it is assumed the Onix's body contains Hydrocite as a result of consuming it as part of its diet.
6 - Pinkan Island: Due to eating the fruit from the strange trees and bushes upon this island, all the Pokemon residing here are pink.
7 - Fairchild Island: A few years ago a team of archaeologists discovered a cluster of Kabuto fossils near here. The exact location of their find has since then vanished.
8 - Kinnow Island: An unusually-tanned and quite athletic Nurse Joy, Mahala, is said to live here.
9 - Navel Island: Home of Danny's Pokemon Gym, famous for its sled races.
10 - Grapefruit Isles: Full of tasty produce, the Grapefruit Isles are where some of the best fruit is exported from.
11 - Moro Island: Home to a mysterious group of Templian people who appear to be descendants of the Pokemopolitans. They worship Meowth as the creature of bounty, due to its ability to seemingly produce money.
12 - Murcott Island: The location of a large Scyther swarm, amongst many other species of bug type Pokémon.
13 - Golden Island: No Further Information at present.
14 - Mandarin Island Sth: No Further Information at present.
15 - Lundaine Town: A quaint picturesque spot reminiscent of historical Tattoan locations, home to lovers of theatrics and literature.
16 - Trovitopolis: Once run by a careless mayor, Trovitopolis has since switched hands and is now under the management of someone with more concern for Pokemon.
17 - Trovita Island: Home to Rudy's gym, famous for its leader's flair and dancing skills.
18 - Shamouti Island: The location of a tribe of Wind Cho'moken descendants. Every year a festival is held in celebration of flying Pokemon and the island's long-held legend. Not far from Shamouti are three separate isles, said to contain the three Kings of Ice, Fire and Lightning.
19 - Millsweet Island: Home to some particularly violent Pokémon. Why the Pokémon on Millsweet are so agitated, no one has yet figured.
20 - Pummello Island: Home to Drake, the most powerful member of the Orange Crew.
21 - Tarocco Island: No Further Information at present.
22 - Kumquat Island: No Further Information at present.
23 - Hamlin Island: No Further Information at present.
24 - Cedar Island: Having mysteriously risen out of the sea at some point in the mid 90s, the once-bleak Cedar Island is now a lush location for several research laboratories.
25 - Coast Island
26 - Butwal Island: No Further Information at present.
27 - Ascorbia Island: Once home to an unknown tribe which was wiped out in The Divergence, this island was purchased by Caleb Hammond and was used as a location for his business. However, a volcano rose in the midst of the island, forcing Hammond and his family to relocate. Several decades later, Ascorbia was bought by Professor Samuel Oak to undertake research upon its unique microsystem and variety of thriving species.
28 - Po'puri Island: Location of the Pokémon Orienteering challenge and a Pokémon contest hall in Wisteria Town, located on the island.
29 - Camomile Island: No Further Information at present.
30 - The Pentan Isles: Each of these five small islands has a volcano, and is rumoured to be a place Moltres visits to regain its energy.
31 - Chrysanthemum Island: Location of a Pokémon contest hall.
32 - Metallica Island: Location of Spenser Luise's Battle Palace.


33 - Knot Island: No Further Information at present.
34 - Boon Island: No Further Information at present.
35 - Kin Island: No Further Information at present.
36 - Floe Island: No Further Information at present.
37 - Chrono Island: No Further Information at present.
38 - Fortune Island: No Further Information at present.
39 - Quest Island: No Further Information at present.