Solrock and Lunatone

From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Solrock and Lunatone are creatures whose physical appearances resemble those of a stylised sun and moon, respectively. Their biology consists of a crystalline core surrounded by a rocky outer shell. They do not consume solid food, instead receiving their energy from sunlight and moonlight. In the wild, Solrock and Lunatone float around observing their environment, and generally are not known to attack unless attacked first. The effects of Pokéball-induced Enlightenment upon these creatures have proven to be quite substantial.

Prior to the 1960s, neither Solrock or Lunatone had not been sighted anywhere on Oci. Neither did historical records of them exist. Their first appearance occurred shortly after a meteorite made impact with Hoenn.

Various scientific studies have revealed that they emit curious frequencies which appear to have patterns to them. Any attempts to record and decode such frequencies has resulted in the data becoming corrupt.




Spoiler Warning - Major plot details follow



Solrock and Lunatone were the brainchildren of two rival Lunari scientists who were unable to compromise on the design and fuel source for Lunas' at-the-time new surveillance units. Prior to the creation of Deoxys, these two Pokémon were the sole means of information relay between Lunas and Oci. Since more efficient methods of data harvesting have been created, the Solrock and Lunatone on Oci have been abandoned, and continue to either follow their programming, or have been captured by Pokémon Trainers.