
From Rebirpedia, the Pokémon Rebirth encyclopaedia.


Pokélantis is the title given by archaeologists to a civilisation of water Cho'moken users that developed in 7FD. The ancient name for this civilisation is unknown, but its modern title is a portmanteau of "Pokémon Atlantis" due to their water type origins.

The civilisation originated in an area of what is now known as north Kanto after the fall of Pokémopolis. During that time, the majority of the land overtaken by the Pokémopolitan dynasty was divided amongst the groups of people which had been oppressed by Emperor Sai. However, some were still unhappy - one such example was The Akusha - the members of which had found it almost impossible to integrate into society.

An answer came during in the form of Sevan Vyctra, one of Emperor Sai's closest associates. Claiming to work in the best interests of the Akushan people, Sevan brought with him data salvaged from some of the more potent Pokémopolitan projects. With this data, Samiya and Manaphy were created.

As work progressed on the expansion of Akushan territory, Sevan dubbed himself leader of the people. Once they found out about Sevan's plans, however, the Akusha rose up and dethroned their self-appointed ruler, thus bringing a swift end to this attempt to create a second Pokémopolis.

Due to the similarities between Pokélantean and Pokémopolitan text, historians in the past have assumed the dynasties to be one and the same.

The orange denotes the area covered by the Pokélantis dynasty.


What remains of Pokélantis today.


The Akusha clan mark and Pokélantean glyphs